The Big Difference: Public vs. International
By Sophie Kappenberger

Before the Strothoff International School opened most, of the students were attending a public German school, which is of course a big difference for them. At the Strothoff International School, all lessons are taught in English, which is not the mother tongue of most of the students. They have to get into that language first before they comprehend the subject, which takes time and a lot of work for students and teachers. Many people think that German public schools are not that strong like private international schools.

An interview with Pia W. from grade 9 was before on a German public school, she told me that each other classes have about 30 students in which not everybody could get the attention or help which each of them needed. Many lessons were missing, and no substitutes were there to teach the subject. Mr. Lee looking for the best solution if a teacher is sick or absent.

According to the Strothoff International School the lessons are fixed and if a teacher is absent there will always be a substitute, which will go over the work which the original teacher send him to do. If a student has any problem, for example in mathematics, English or German, they get extra help from the responsible teacher.

Here there is a full- day program, which gives each student more time to study. Sara O. 9th grade “ I was before on a full-day school too and I think it is much more better because you have more time to learn the subject I even have no problem with rather be bored at home.” Most of the students from the Strothoff International School have expectations which are: Speak English flowingly, get a good Diploma and to study at the highest universities worldwide.

Another difference is that the Strothoff International School has uniforms, which is a good way to build community. Vivien J. from 9th Grade said “I think the school uniform is good for a school, but it is not my favorite clothing so I only wear them in school.” German school have no uniforms, which may cause problems about clothing brands students have often a competition who has the more expensive an known brand on.  Julian K. told me that, “I think that the school uniform is unnecessary and unsightly, I had in my old school no uniform and I still had many friends.”

Mr. Strothoff has chosen high-quality school equipment, which makes studying more pleasant. “The interior is no comparison to German Schools, the Strothoff School has much more comfortable equipment which makes me to work better without any pain back because of the old and used chairs at my old school.” said Carolin D.

Our expectations are high because the whole Strothoff International School is waiting for the Laptops, we will see what comes out.